
  1. Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga also known as "the eight limbs of yoga" is Patanjali's classification of yoga which he mentioned in his book Yoga Sutras. He defined the eight limbs as yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption). These eight limbs are a reflection of our inner body in synchrony with our outer body. These include the yogic postures that we often see and how to do them properly. We hereby provide a program in AshtangaVinyasa Yoga course and any person can join this course. Yoga should always be learned from a well experienced guru in order to do them correctly. Having learned these from an inexperienced guru, you may end up having serious injuries. We at PatanjaliYogashala have a team of highly professional and skilled professionals working dedicatedly​ towards teaching yoga to all the students. Ashtanga yoga is an amazing practice keeping your body in coordination with the breathing pattern. This allows a person to attain a meditative position and dejunk his mind of every stress and unnecessary negativity, allowing only positive vibes inflow. In the present scenario where pandemic has taken a toll over everyone's health, boosting a person's immunity is very necessary which can be achieved by practicing breathing exercises or Pranayam. Besides this, keeping oneself fit is also very crucial and this can be attained by performing Ashtanga yoga. Our gurus have an enormous amount of experience in teaching Ashtanga yoga to people of all ages. With keen attention and dedication, our hard-working gurus teach yoga very finely. Above all, we focus on each and every individual equally. As said correctly "We cannot always control what goes on outside but we can control what goes on inside". So, learn yoga from our expert trainers and have a good control over your life and health.

  1. kidsYoga

Yoga is the balance between body and mind. It's a great way to release all the toxins out of your body. We at Patanjali Yogashala, offer kids' yoga courses especially designed for the benefit of people who want to teach kids. Yoga is a great way to make your kids well disciplined. It enhances the flexibility and cognitive skills of the kids. Yoga is a great way to strengthen the bodies of the growing kids. This helps them to thrive in the adverse situations and also become competitive enough in the growing competition. Yoga also makes​ children embrace our culture and traditions. The increased flexibility and strength of the muscles lead to lesser injuries and increased coordination. In this busy world, teaching yoga to kids is utterly necessary to inculcate a healthy habit in them and also to keep them fit. Yoga also boosts immunity, so children practicing yoga are found to be falling ill less in comparison to the ones who don't. The Hustle and bustle of life can have a very deep impact on the health of the kids. The homework, the peer pressure, the race of coming first, everything impacts their health grotesquely. On the top, COVID has made our lives miserable and full of negativity. To get over this, it is highly important to teach yoga to the kids so that it may boost up their immunity as well as make them healthy, flexible and strong enough to survive the challenges. At PatanjaliYogashala, we organize the workshops from time to time especially where we teach yoga especially designed for the children. Our expert team of highly professional gurus.

Who brings about a holistic development in the children. 

  1. hatha Yoga

Hatha is a branch of yoga meaning "force". Hatha yoga is the practice of yogic postures including everything (Ashtanga, vinyasa, Iyengar and Power Yoga). Hatha practices are prepared to align and calm your body, mind, and spirit for the preparation of meditation. Hatha yoga is very important for better sleep and strengthening all the muscles of your body. It is an amazing way to manage your stress and increase the flexibility as well as the mobility of the body. Many people have benefitted from the Amazing effects of yoga and have cured their chronic illness like high blood pressure, obesity, heart problems, low backache and many more. This is in fact the best way to create a balance between your body and mind. Hatha yoga rejuvenates​ your spirit and makes you a lively person. Our yoga gurus specialize in teaching Hatha and all varieties of yoga. With a very expert team, Yoga can definitely make your life peaceful and devoid of all the worries. Inspired by the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali, our gurus have a huge experience in this sector and are the best. We have especially curated our team of trainers to ensure everything is perfect and precisely taught with no room of improvement. Our students should be benefitted by our teachings​. We hereby provide a program in Hatha Yoga course and any person can join this course.

  1. regular classes

We at PatanjaliYogashala provide the best group yoga classes. Owner and founder of the Patanjali Yogashala, Nitin Kumar is a highly dedicated and hard-working guru working for the society. The classes are well organized and solely focus on learning Yoga. Inspired by the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali, our yogashala has also been known to provide the best classes of yoga. We at Patanjali Yogashala teach yoga to all the age groups and help them in mitigating their stress and other life problems. Yoga aids in relieving stress, losing weight, increasing strength and flexibility of the muscles and increasing your lung capacity. Yoga is a great way to declutter the toxins out from the body. The advantage of learning Yoga in a regular class is that one can get motivation from the person performing yoga nearby and develop a very healthy and competitive environment. Another advantage of learning  Yoga in a group class  is that people are supportive and help each other. For the students, yoga helps them immensely in increasing the mental capacity as well as concentration of the mind. Yoga is helpful for every person regardless of their age. We at PatanjaliYogashala just not teach but worship all the forms of yoga. He has been practicing yoga since childhood and is highly devoted towards it. The art of practicing yoga helps in bringing together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind. Yoga is not just a simple form of exercise but a devotion, a worship and one should be highly disciplined​ to practice it. 

  1. private sessions

If you are a beginner and want to learn yoga then going for a mass class may often make you skip the basics and you will end up learning the wrong style of yoga or may get confused. If you are also one of them then you must go for private sessions. This will help you immensely in learning the right form of yoga and poses. Private sessions are also helpful in learning exact yoga poses by feeling more comfortable and less conscious about yourself​ as there won't be anyone to judge you if you are learning the wrong pose. Practicing yoga privately will help you in learning Yoga in a calm and relaxing manner. If you are struggling with some chronic disorder then learning Yoga in a private session will be very beneficial for you. We at  PatanjaliYogashala provide the best private classes for those in need of it. It is completely safe and the person will feel very secure with the guru. For many people, group sessions can be awkward and they can't combat the speed of it. As a result, they lag behind and the purpose of practicing yoga is never fulfilled. To overcome this, one can take private classes at our PatanjaliYogashala. Here in this​ class, the purpose of practicing yoga will be fulfilled as you will be able to learn correct and precise postures under the direct supervision of our highly professional and skilled yoga gurus.