22 Days | Beginner – Intermediate


Yoga Alliance USA accredits our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun. This means that upon completion of 200 hours of TTC, you will be considered a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). This certification confirms that you meet the minimum yoga teaching standards and are able to teach yoga worldwide. The 200-hour yoga teacher training course provides an excellent opportunity to deepen and expand your theoretical knowledge and practical skills in yoga and meditation. This is one of the best yoga courses that meet the Yoga Alliance standard. It gives a complete understanding of yoga and essential components such as Asanas, Mudras, Kriyas, Mantras, Anatomy and Physiology, Teaching Methods, and More.

What does The Course Include?

  1. Yoga Styles- Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Alignment
  2. Add-ons- Meditation, Pranayama, Philosophy
  • Live sessions
  •     # Books and course manuals
  •     # Course completion certification
  •     # Eligible to register for 200-RYT in the Yoga Alliance

  1. Course level:
  2. Beginner to intermediate

  • Patanjali Yogshala 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) is beneficial for students who..
  • Are interested in a balanced lifestyle and spiritual approach to health in body and mind
  • Want to discover their-self through yoga philosophy, meditation practices.
  • Always trying to deepen their understanding and practice in structured yoga training after years of casual studies and practices.
    • Want to build a solid foundation in yoga, not only in postures of Yoga, but its philosophy and other essential practices, as a base to improve their future practices and studies of yoga.
  • Are willing to share their knowledge and experiences as internationally recognized yoga teachers.

    • 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Completion Requirements:

    • Students are required to complete below mentioned criteria during the course:-
    •   # 100% attendance   
    •   # Complete Assignments on weekly basis
    •   # Complete Final Teaching Exam
    •   # Pass Final Written Exam
    •   # Fulfilment of School Policy & Code of Conduct 
    • Yoga Alliance Certification – RYS200

      • The 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training (TTC) completed from an RYS200 (Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance approved 200 Hours TTC curriculum) is the minimum training hours required by Yoga Alliance for a person to register as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). Once you completed your 200 Hours of training, you would be eligible to register as RYT200 under Yoga Alliance USA and be internationally recognized as a yoga teacher.

      • For yoga teachers who have registered as RYT200, your next step would be to go through a 300 Hours Yoga TTC. After the completion of both 200 hours and 300 hours training, you will have a total training hours of 500 hours in preparation for the registration of RYT500. You may choose to obtain the 500 Hours training by taking the 500 Hours Yoga TTC in one complete training as well, instead of two separate trainings.

        • Patanjali Yogshala Course Curriculum of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training:

        • Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga posture:

        • Surya-Namaskara (sun salutations) dynamic surya namaskara, surya namaskara with breathe awareness, surya namaskara with mantra chanting Meditative steps of performing the hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
        •  Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga flow – series 1

        • Types of Yoga posture- standing poses, sitting poses, backward bending poses, forward bending poses, spinal twisting poses, fire series, inversion poses, shavasana
        • Postural alignment and art of adjustment
        • -  Counter pose
        • -  Contraindications

        • Pranayama (The science of breath): 
        • Science of breath
        • - Sitting postures for pranayama practice
        • - How to establish diaphragmatic breathing before pranayama practice
        • - 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing practices
        • - Types of pranayama – Nadi shodhana pranayama, Ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and Anulom vilom
        Enactment of Yog Nidra & Relaxation
      1. Relaxation in Daily life 
      2. Tension and relaxation
      3. Systematic relaxation
      4. 31 pints relaxation
      5. 61 points relaxation exercises
      6. Preparation for yoga Nidra
      7. Meditation:
      8. Intro & How to start Meditation
      9. Meditation in daily life
      10. Sitting positions for meditation
      11. Two to five minutes meditations
      12. So-ham mediation
      13. Vipasana Meditation
      14. Opening of Chakras
      15. Balancing of chakras
      16. Om Meditation
      17. Kundalini Meditation
      18. Anatomy & physiology:
      19. Introduction about anatomy and physiology
      20. The yogic study of digestive system
      21. The effects of yoga practices on digestive system
      22. Respiratory system
      23. The effects of yoga practices on respiratory system
      24. Effect of yoga posture on muscles and systems
      25. Intro & importance
      26. Skeletal System
      27. Nervous System
      28. Joints & Movements
      29. Cardio Vascular System
      30. Nadis (energy channels)
      31. Chakras (energy plexus)
      32. Pancha tatwa (five great elements)
      33. Panchakosha (five sheaths)
      34. Pancha pranas(five vital energy
      35. Yoga physiology:
      36. General introduction: six school of indian philosophy
      37. Samkhya and yoga
      38. Intro of pattanjali yoga sutras
      39. Highlight of astanga yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi
      40. Introduction to Upanishad
      41. Life style and yoga ethics
      42. Ayurveda:
      43. Basic principle of ayurveda
      44. Basic doshas
      45. Tri-gunas
      46. Balance of the mind and Ayurvedic diet
      47. Mudras:

        - Jnana-mudra

        - Dhyan-mudra

        - Vishnu-mudra

        - Hridaya-mudra

        Mantra Chanting:
        • Om mantra
        • - Morning mantra
        • - Guru mantra
        • - Meal mantra
        • - Gayatri mantra and more
        • - Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun
        Satkriya or cleansing process:
        • Kunjal Kriya
        • - Jala-neti
        • - Sutra-neti
        Teaching Methodology & Home work:
        • Lesson plan
        • - Assignments
        • - Practice teaching
        • - Feedback
        • - Group discussion
        • - Question and answer
        • - Homework

        Patanjali Yogshala 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Dehradun, India: Daily Schedule


        The 200 Hours of Yoga Training will be scheduled for 6 days in a week for comprehensive learning and practices and on the 7th day there will be beautiful  mountain sightseeing, Holy Places & Temples to Visits, and take time for related aspects of yoga training. In this alluring schedule, you could find this training as a process of transformation with joy. During your training, you will have an opportunity to live with nature.

        The Yoga Training schedule begins at 6:15 am with a short morning prayer followed by a pranayama session. After the prayer, there will be the morning session for the traditional Yoga Postures (Hatha-Yoga) before breakfast. Then we have two main sessions; one philosophy and the other yoga anatomy followed by lunch at noon 12:30 PM. After Lunch, there will be some self-study and Self-practice time before we begin the evening sessions of Vinyasa-Yoga Asanas followed by Relaxation  & Meditation. There will be some inspirational cultural activities, such as Satsang (devotional songs), lectures on yoga-related subjects, audios, and video lectures. Assignments are part of training and will be provided weekly for enhancement of in-depth knowledge of the subjects and experience through your yoga practices. During this yoga teacher training, you will be provided with three yoga vegetarian meals including fruit refreshments and green tea.

        Norm of Yoga says that student should go early to bed for good health and strength in Yoga practices. Below is the typical daily schedule for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun, India at our School Patanjali Yogshala:

        Daily Schedule of Yoga Classes::


        21 Nights & 22 Days (3 Sunday Off)

        • # Daily Schedule is subject to changes without prior notice.


        # Rudraksh Mala - 1 

        # Bag - 1 

        # Note Book - 1

        # Pen - 1 

        # Assignment Note Book - 1 

        # Neti Pat / Sutra- 1 

        # T Shirt - 1 

        # Hand Towel - 1 


        Patanjali Yogshala 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Dehradun, India: Course Dates


        The Course of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dehradun, India is usually held on 2nd – 23rd of every month throughout the year. So you can apply for any month in advance. Some of our new upcomings are 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses are on the following dates:

        Patanjali Yogshala 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Dehradun, India: Course Fee


        Note: Patanjali Yogshala is currently offering 10% discount for 200 Hours Yoga TTC commencing in 2021-22.

        Book Your Seat: A minimum of US$ 200 advance deposit is required to secure your seat for the course. 

                                    The remaining course fee is due on arrival at our school Office reception.


        Refund Policy : A minimum advance deposit is required (Which is Non-Refundable) to order to place a seat in your course. Please see required deposit in each course page. The remaining course fee (if any) is due on arrival in Dehradun, India center. Methods could also be different in other school locations.

        School Policy & Code of Conduct: By Registering the course at Patanjali Yogshala, you are acknowledging that you have read, agree and accept our School Policy and Code of Conduct. Please go through our School Policy and Code of Conduct thoroughly.

        Book Your Seat Now!!
        FINAL LOGO - web

        Patanjali Yogshala

        Address: Village-Asthal, Raipur Block, P.O Maldevta, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) 248008

        Contact No.: +91-98912 34457, 9899064452, 7011829732

        Email :, website :